Our film “Dysfunctional Dynamics” begins its festival run this month. It premiered at the Denver 48 Hour Film Project showcase in late August where it was one of ten nominated for "Best Film" at the "Best of Denver" finals in September. It also won Honorable Mention for "Audience Favorite."
"Our director Brock Sherman did a nice job of crafting a story that catered to the audience." said producer Lori Kay Allred. "Our team also won Audience Favorite two years ago with another entry, so I'm happy that our stories affect audiences. And it's nice to be one of the runner-ups this year.
"Now that we've gotten some sleep, we've cut a "directors cut" that I think is a stronger film that we were able to submit under the tight deadlines of the competition. I'm looking forward to seeing how it does on the festivals.
Our first stop is actually in town at the 3rd Annual Film Festival of Colorado. This year, more the festival received more than 330 entries from around the world including Australia and the UK.
"We like this festival because the programmers are very selective," said Allred. "And I'm excited because our film will be showing in the highly desirable slot on Friday night. Personally I'm looking forward to seeing how the audience reacts to our longer, more refined cut."