
Festivals, awards, and production updates from Wine Dog Pictures, LLC

Westword: Filmmaking Couple Touches on Medical Marijuana's Social Stigma


This week, reporter Britt Chester profiled our latest film “Remembering Us” in an article for Westword.

Chester’s focus was on the film’s autobiographical angle and how filmmakers Lori Kay Allred and Scott Takeda struggled to treat Scott’s traumatic brain injury (TBI), ultimately deciding to try medical cannabis.

"We are noticing that our film is starting to generate some buzz," said producer Annie Schlax. "Scott and Lori chose to keep his TBI and treatment a secret because of the social stigma surrounding both of them. But now that we are filming their story, it’s striking a chord.”

“We are especially excited by this coverage because we’re still shooting,” said Allred. “So we’re grateful people are so interested in seeing this film.”

Click HERE to read the article on Westword.

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