
Festivals, awards, and production updates from Wine Dog Pictures, LLC

Filming in Rural Colorado For Latest Short


This month, our creative team drove over the hills and through the woods to begin production on our short film The Outsider. This is our first film that we've produced outside of the 48 Hour Film Project – an international competition where teams first compete locally to write, shoot, and edit a short film in 48 hours. 

Director Scott Takeda explains the framing he'd like while producer Lori Kay Allred laughs with the crew.

Director Scott Takeda explains the framing he'd like while producer Lori Kay Allred laughs with the crew.

“We're ready for the next step," said director Scott Takeda. "We want to tell deeper more meaningful stories and have more time to craft them. For example, we’re shooting this film around my family reunion at the family farm. This is only something that could be done with intense pre-production planning – stuff that was prohibited when part of a competition."

Cinematographer Dave Klein gives us the "thumbs up" as we work to coordinate the next scene.

Cinematographer Dave Klein gives us the "thumbs up" as we work to coordinate the next scene.

"Like all of our previous films, we're taking a universal theme and putting our own personal spin on it," said producer Lori Kay Allred. "This film is about wanting to belong and fit into a family. And shooting at a family reunion is how we're making it personal. I don't know how this will eventually turn out, but it's been a lot of fun.  I've been laughing all day with Scott's parents, uncles, and aunts."

Audio/grip Slade Williamson adjusts a light while producers and ADs work to arrange the extras for the next shot.

Audio/grip Slade Williamson adjusts a light while producers and ADs work to arrange the extras for the next shot.

"If this film turns out how we hope, we want to get it into festivals this late Spring," said Takeda. "We just have...what...three months?  Should be no problem when we're used to having 48 hours total."